Josh Maison Superstar

Video Editing & VFX
Project Overview
Josh Maison Superstar is an album by Josh Maison. I had the opportunity of creating visual effects and animating the text in two of his music videos.
My Contributions
I animated the karaoke text on the bottom of the "Sucker Punch!" video as well as the text on the "Man On Fire" video.
In the "Sucker Punch!" video I was tasked to edit a shot of Josh Maison's face onto an apple which can be seen at 2:14. This shot was created in After Effects alongside all the text animations.

My proudest piece of VFX from this project is the head on fire effect. This was created with a video of a torch that had been set alight which I then messed with the blending modes to make it look like it is a part of the environment. I also had to track the fire onto Josh's head by hand as the tracking function on After Effects couldn't quite figure out what to lock on to.

On top of the head on fire effect, I also generated the flaming text that can be seen first appearing at 31 seconds of the video.
Personal Project